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Donations are appreciated to pay for continuing our website.


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 75.1%

A:   251   Joined
B:   83   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Guilderland Central High School 
Class Of 1970

September 30 to October 2, 2022

Photo Highlights - see Photo Gallery for more

Friday Icebreaker


Pine Bush Hike


School Tour Welcome Alumni Display


School Tour - The Rock


Saturday night Pinehaven Country Club



Friday Afternoon, September 30, 2022

1:30 PM Guilderland History Talk at Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church
Friday Evening, September 30, 2022
6:00 PM Icebreaker Kick Off with Classes of 1971 and 1972
The Nines at Western Turnpike. Limited capacity, weekend tickets guarantee entry

Saturday Morning, October 1, 2022

10:30 AM   Orchard Creek Golf Outing, all 3 classes
  2:30 PM   Tour of Guilderland High School
11:00 AM   Hike the Pine Bush Trails

Saturday Evening, October 1, 2022

5:00 PM Main Event  -  Class of 1970 Reunion
Pinehaven Country Club – buffet dinner, cash bar, class photo

Sunday Afternoon, October 2, 2022

12:00 PM Tawasentha Park, all 3 classes
                        Featuring music by Jack Clark ('69) & Malta Mates Band



Reunion Gathering

To celebrate our 65th Birthdays 

was held at

Maggie's Cafe

1186 Western Ave.


Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017

See the Photo Gallery for photos in the album

65th Birthdays 9/07/2017



45th Reunion

Was Held Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015

See Photos in Photo Gallery


was held
August 17 and 18, 2012.
It was wonderful that so many attended!
See photos in the Photo Gallery
Link is to left and top of page


Remember that we can all communicate via the website. Be sure to add and and to your computer email Accepted Messages List or whitelist so you will receive messages sent by classmates. Classmates have said that they sent out greetings via the website and never heard back from the intended recipient!

  FYI: "Whitelist" is the general term for allowing an email to come through from a specific email address every time, regardless of the content contained within the email. Whitelist is also sometimes referred to as a "Safe List" or an "Accepted Messages List" or an "Approved Senders List." If you whitelist, messages that may not ordinarily get through will now be received and read every time.
To get started on the website, go to the left and click on Classmates. You'll need to provide some basic information so your identity as a classmate can be verified. You will also decide what information will be visible to others. Your wishes and privacy will be respected at all times.

 If this is your first time visiting the site, you'll find it easier to get around if you click on First Time Visitor in the Navigation Area to the left.

Check out all the pages of the website. Most interesting are the pages that Classmates have contributed. There are In Memory pages to remember our friends who have passed.  Keep checking back to this home page for new Announcements.

We've uploaded photos of classmates having fun together in the Photo Gallery

What Elementary School did you attend?
Answer this question and others on the Class Survey page.

Don't miss the Humor etc. section.

Check back often. New people are registering on the website all the time.

If you have contact information for a classmate, please get in touch with us and share it or contact them yourself.

 You can get in touch with them in all the regular ways and also from this website. If you have an email address, click on Missing Classmates, find their name and click on it. You'll be able to send a message right there.

Our Class Website is located at:

Email questions, suggestions, corrections, etc. to:

 Get comfortable and enjoy your class website. 






Hope you'll attend!

9/30 - 10/02/22

Friday evening,  Icebreaker Kick-off
6pm-11pm at The Nines at Western Turnpike
, 2350 Western Ave, There will be a cash bar and bar snacks. Food will not be available at venue. Recommend you eat before you come.

Note: This event is for 3 GCHS Classes: 1970, 1971, 1972. It is recommended that you register in advance to guarantee admission. Class of '70 classmates and guests will get a name tag.

Saturday morning, Golf
at Orchard Creek Golf Course, 6700 Dunnsville Rd, Altamont  For GCHS Classes '70, '71 & '72 and guests
Also: Tour of School & Hike of Pine Bush Trail,times TBA

Saturday evening, Pinehaven Country Club, Main event
5pm check in, class of 1970 only, buffet dinner, class photo

Sunday afternoon, Picnic at Tawasentha Park Pavilion

  • Hamburgs, hotdogs & bottled water will be provided

  • BYO beverage (no glass bottles allowed)

  • Invited to bring a picnic salad or other food to share, not required

  • Music by Jack Clark ('69) and the Malta Mates.
    Jack's younger sister died at a young age. She would have graduated in 1971. The band in playing in her memory.




